May 3, 2019

Energy Management Resources for Busy Mamas

Do you often feel tired, fatigued, drained and exhausted after a day out in the world?

It could be that you leaking out energy with every interaction that you have, there is way to help create energetic boundaries to maintain your energy and keep others energy out of you space.

Protecting our energy in this world of being hit with information around every turn and corner has become an important task each and every day. Our mind and spirit takes in information ALL the time.


 Information inputs to our brain:

  • Podcasts
  • Scrolling social media
  • Billboards
  • Blog pages
  • Articles
  • Email inboxes
  • TV shows
  • Any flashing screen: I was recently at my hairdressers and there was a flashing screen advertising Aveda services, I couldn’t stop looking it even though it kept repeating itself.

Here are a few ways to manage energy on a daily basis.

  1. Call in Archangel Michael to protect and/or maintain energy first thing in the morning and ask him to wrap you up in a bubble of protecting allowing in only positive energy and keeping out negative energy. A great book to learn more about this is Invoking the Archangels Book.
  2. . Avoid your phone first thing in the morning and right before you go to bed. Our minds are the most vulnerable at the time we first wake and right before we go to bed. Keep this time to focus on more mindful activities such as reading a book, meditating, listening to relaxing music and deep breathing.
  3.  Take care of your physical health-drink enough water, eat regularly and eat well, move each day in a way that feels good to your body and get enough sleep. You can learn more about each of these anchors in detail with the upcoming Reawakening your Body Wisdom.
  4.  Find time to bring in stillness each day. This may be by doing a guided meditation, quiet time with a focus on the breath, a moving meditation where you move or walk in quiet silence, or just simply lying still in stillness.

My favorite apps:

    • Calm
    • Insight Timer (free)
    • Headspace

5. There are energetic techniques that can help you create an energetic boundary between you and your environment. One way is to imagine drawing a giant, invisible zipper up your body to protect your energy inside and keep any other energy out. Or any version of this: a protective bubble, an invisible curtain between you and the outside energy or envisioning a golden light surrounding you and keeping negative energy out.

6. Journal: journal your thoughts and feelings each day, no one has to read this but you. The more you can get out of your head the more you are able to focus on what’s left. Pick a consistent time and journal and start writing.

7. Keep a regular gratitude practice. Write down (pen on paper) 3 things you are grateful for each day, be consistent and begin to look for the good in each situation. Here is a detailed post on Gratitude Journaling.

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