July 6, 2015


"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." Robert Brault

"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." Oprah Winfrey

Gratitude is the building block for an abundant mindset and the basis for being happy with what you have right NOW. When you focus on what is going right in your life, you attract more of that into your life. When you focus on what is wrong, that is what you pull into your world. This can be a huge change that gives your life a subtle shift. Here are some examples:

  • The day has gotten away from you and its 5:30, and you dinner is not ready. Your toddler is yelling about some toy being missing and his sock being turned the wrong way, your dogs are underfoot, the kitchen is a mess and you are grumpy and hungry. GRATITUDE: I am grateful for the ability to create dinner for my family. I am grateful for my healthy son and healthy dogs. I am grateful I have a husband who will happily eat anything without complaint.
  • You are late for preschool for the 4th time this week, its Thursday, and when getting out of the car you find that you forgot your child's lunch and its his show and tell day. GRATITUDE:After a couple deep breaths, you realize you are grateful to have a safe place to send your son. You are grateful for a car that runs and a house that is close by so you can bring his lunch back. You are grateful for the big hug he gives you and the "I love you mama" he says to you..
  • Its a normal Wednesday morning and you call your mom to say hi. She is not doing well. You realize quickly that she is in serious trouble, she is able to call 911 and you redirect your route to the hospital. You get there and realize she has been admitted to the ER (and will be there for 4 days) and when you see her you KNOW she will be going home. GRATITUDE: I am grateful for my mama and the fact that I can be here with her. I am grateful that she will be returning home and be able to continue living her life. I am grateful to have her in my life.

This is the power of gratitude. These are all real examples from my life. It is a shift in your being, focus on the good and you will bring more of it to your life. Here is your work for the week: Gratitude journal 3 things EVERY night for the next week, and the next and the next. Your life will change.

A recent study showed that people with depression were able to resolve it with 6 months of gratitude journaling compared to control group that did not journal. Its easy, simple and free. Grab a notebook and a pen, place it by your bed and do it.

I want to hear how this changes your world. Please share with me in the comments below or email me at centeredformamas@gmail.com.

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