July 4, 2020

Feeling Safe in an Uncertain World

Finding a space to feel safe has been challenging these past few months. As we navigate unfamiliar terrain, we may notice that our anxiety is up, our bandwidth is down and we may feel either hyperactive or completely collapsed and immobilized.

While there is nothing that can be done about the world events, what we can control, is how we REACT to them. Noticing our awareness, feelings, emotions and thoughts that come up as we see what’s happening in the world.

Here are a few ways that you can begin to build safety in your world right now:

  • Journal about the last time you felt really safe: write down details here. Who were you with? Where were you? How did you feel?
  • Take a few moments for stillness each morning
  • Get out in nature and sunlight every single day for 20-30 minutes, leave your phone inside.
  • Deep breaths: place one hand on your belly and inhale and feel it rise, exhale, feel it sink. Take 5 breaths this way.
  • Turn off the news and consider news diet. News is meant to be negative and will use  fear aspect to get your attention. Focus on only what you need to know and then turn off the constant coverage.
  • Prioritize your sleep. The more well rested you are the, the greater your bandwidth to create your life. Get 8-9 hours of sleep every night.

We can build little nests of safe spaces in our lives even when the world is turbulent around us. Small practices make a big difference.

Want personalized help? Set up a call with me and let’s chat.

There is really no better time than right now. Powerful questions that invite you to look at where you next want to move forward in life. It's free and it's 30 minutes of time, you will gain valuable insight and will be glad you made the time!

With love,

PS: Are we connected on Instagram? I'm super active there sharing stories and valuable tips to create optimal health for busy women through the lens of yoga and ayurveda.

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