October 1, 2018

Well Being Essentials

Dear Mama,

How are you feeling today?
* Take a moment to list it out

How do you want to feel?
* Take a moment to write it down

For myself, I feel tired today and I feel busier than I want to. How I want to feel is energetic, calm and able to handle what comes my way today.

How do you bridge the gap?

The gap shows up when we don't make decisions that align with where we want to be. For me, I stayed up until 12:30am last night, on my phone, researching and watching a show. I knew this was not ideal for me, and yet I still did it. Why oh why??

Sometimes, we self sabotage ourselves when we hit a particular level of success, abundance or happiness. It's vital to take time to visualize what you do want and take time to put together the steps to get there.

It also comes down to the basics, how are you doing with those?
* Sleep
* Nutrition
* Connection
* Movement
* Quiet time
* Calm mind

Well Being Essentials

Sleep: Get serious about the sleep you need each night. This can be challenging with little ones, however, often we make lifestyle choices that increase our sleep debt. These may include watching a TV show, internet researching, social media scrolling, doing laundry and cleaning after the little ones have gone to bed. The impact is so significant when you focus on getting the rest YOU need.

Nutrition: Food is a deep way to nourish ourselves and bring ourselves back to a state of well-being. How are you eating your meals? Are you sitting down and eating mindfully? Or are you eating in the car on the way to a pick up? There are huge differences in how your body takes in this nutrition with how you take it in. Take a deep breath before your next meal, and eat it slowly. Have a glass of water when you wake up and then have a protein rich breakfast (not the kids leftovers). Nourish yourself.

Connection: Every woman needs authentic connection in her life. When was the last time you had a meaningful conversation with a friend? We are designed to live in community and take the journey of motherhood together, it's become difficult in today's fast paced culture and constant input of information. Is there someone you could schedule a lunch with or call today? Make time for this deep and valuable connection.

Movement: As a mama, you move all day long! Are you delighting in your body and loving it for what it is right now? Are you having fun moving your body and does it feel spacious and enjoyable? Try hula hooping today or have a dance party at your house before dinner today. Enjoy your amazing body and all that it allows you to do.

Quiet Time
: Quiet time is so important for our spirit. When we can live from a place of deeply connected time to our soul, we can handle what comes our way and handle life gracefully. Are you taking time to allow connection to your inner self?

Calm Mind: We are designed to have a calm response or a stress response to events, however, this begins with our thoughts and perspective. Oftentimes, our stress buttons are open to the world. Stressors like loud music all day, TV news in the background, to the thought of cooking dinner all day is stressful! Finding your calm button with daily self-care practices can turn this calm response on and allow you to move with grace through your day.

The Self Care for Busy Mamas course covers easy doable ways of adding in care for you each and every day in 1-5 minutes. This is an e-course and you'll get an email every couple days with a simple technique to try and notice how you feel. It comes with built in support in an online group. Would love to have you join and support you to feel better day by day.

In looking at these well-being essentials, where are you doing great? Where could you focus a bit more attention?

For me, I will be prioritizing sleep for these next 2 weeks and notice the shift in my energy. Follow the journey and join it over on Instagram. Meet you there!

With Gratitude,

P.S: The Mom Conference starts today! You can sign up here for speakers like Laura Markham on how to set limits with kids, and Julie and Joanna Faber take real-life examples and break them down for best ways to handle them. Things like having kids pick up toys, what to do when its time to leave, or when they want sweet treats everywhere you go. Be sure to sign up today! They have some exclusive offers for you if you decide you want the whole conference, which include my gratitude e-book! This retails for $27, but is included in the all-access pass to this conference. Don't miss this opportunity, sign up for the Mom Conference today.

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