February 9, 2019

Partner Appreciation

Any day is a great to day to show appreciation to your partner.

I personally love Valentines day because it’s a holiday centered around LOVE. How often do we really stop and appreciate our partners? It’s so important and crucial to the health of a marriage to remember why you married this person in the first place.

Try these questions and put yourself in a space of gratitude and love today.
Write them in a card or letter and present them to your partner.

  1. What are 3 things you appreciate about your significant other?
  2. What was it that initially attracted you to your partner?
  3. What is your favorite thing that your partner does for you? (holding the door, making you coffee, making sure you have snuggly sheets, letting you sleep in…)
  4. What is the greatest compliment you could give your partner? Write it down (or text it) to them.
  5. What is the greatest compliment that your partner has given you?

Do you know your love language? This is a super easy and quick quiz that will let you know your best way to receive love. We often give love in the way that we like to receive it, however, it doesn’t always work best for our partners. Once you have an idea of how you receive love and how your partner receives love, you can put this into action and watch the energy change in your relationship. The five languages are physical touch, gift giving, acts of service, and words of affirmation.

For example: My love language is quality time. I love to spend time with my husband and son in person. When we are crazy busy in life, and that time is much less, it shows up in my energy and the way that I interact with my family and my world. Knowing this, we intentionally create time and space for our family to be together without plans. Its made a huge difference!

Take time today to let your partner know how much you adore them!

Would love to hear how you show appreciation to your partner!

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