May 22, 2018

Brene Brown and Her Life Changing Work

How This Woman Changed my Life

There are a few people in the world who are living their best lives, and by doing so, inspire you to live yours. One woman, who changed the way I think, and and the way I walk through this world is Brene Brown.

If this is the first time you are hearing about her, pay attention, as you are meant to be reading this right now at this moment.

Brene Brown is researcher who has spend the last 2 decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame and empathy. She has been fearless in pursuing her dream of starting a global conversation about shame and impact it has on our lives. She believes the vulnerability and going all in, even in the face of being hurt and completely failing, is BRAVE and is needed to find the deeper connection we all search for in this world.

I was first introduced to Brene by watching her TED talk. (you should watch it today!)

This was the first time I had heard someone talk about this in public.

How many times have you experienced shame and not really known what to call it?

* That sense of walking into a room and not feeling like you belong.

* That moment when someone makes an off color joke and you can’t decide if you want to walk away, stay silent or speak up (even if this means no longer feeling included in the group

* Going along with a comment because its the easiest thing to do, even when you don’t agree.

* Feeling like you have to sleep train as a new mother because every one else is doing it and you don’t want to fail your child

This incredible woman puts words to all of it. She made me rethink my life and why I made certain decisions. She gave me courage in ways that no one else ever had—just by doing her work in the world that she felt called to do. She is the reason you are reading my blog today.

Last summer, I had made a decision that I wanted to see Brene Brown live. I regularly checked her events to see if it was possible to travel and get to see her speak anywhere nearby. It didn’t really work out. At the same time last summer, I made a big leap to attend a conference for bloggers, this is the first time I had stepped out of my physical therapy evidence based world to attend a conference to pursue a dream. It was with great trepidation, that I signed up for a conference that would take me away from my family for a few nights, into a place where I knew exactly zero people and into content that was completely new and different for me. I made my payment and settled into my decision. 4 months later the keynote speaker for that conference was announced: Brene Brown.

The Laws of Manifestation really work

This was my own evidence based project and I had the opportunity to be in the same room as this amazing woman. While I didn’t get to meet her in person, I am continuing to put that into the Universe. (Do you know her? Please introduce me! ) She has truly been the an amazing inspiration and I hope that if this the first time you hear of her: that you look deeply into her work starting today.

Her book Daring Greatly is a wonderful one to start with.

The Gifts of Imperfection  really begins to shift the way you think about your thoughts and emotions AND gives you a game plan.

Being vulnerable is being brave.

And its takes courage to let your walls down. It takes deep work and continual conversations with those you love to maintain deep relationships, which is the heart of our human connection.

Allow yourself to love deeply and be brave today.

With gratitude,

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One Comment

  1. Kelly Freeman May 25, 2018 at 6:10 pm

    Thanks for sharing!

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